Every Month Manchester

Help to supply free menstrual products by putting together packs for charity.


Every Month is a Manchester-based charity that provides 800 people per month with free access to menstrual products. They create Every Month Packs, which contain tampons, pads and a chocolate bar, so that people living in poverty can have free access to menstrual products.

They rely on volunteers to donate products that are then put together in their packs and are passed on to food banks or other charities who can give them to the people that need them.

Why support Every Month at your hen party?

Hen parties are typically attended by women and people who bleed, so we know well how vital menstrual products are, and the challenges that come with that time of the month.

If you’re in the fortunate position that you can afford to go on a hen party, then spending a few extras pounds or giving some time to a charity goes a really long way. You can ensure that other people can have a comfortable period when they otherwise wouldn’t be able to afford it.

Your hen party can make a huge difference to the lives of people living in period poverty in the Manchester area. Menstrual products are essential – and, unlike toilet paper, are not free in public areas (or in GP clinics, like condoms).

How does it work?

You can both donate and volunteer for Every Month, depending on how your hen party wants to help. Whether you’re making a collection or spending a few hours with them, you’re making a huge difference to people in poverty - thank you.

Keep reading for how you can donate & volunteer.

Images courtesy of Every Month

Contact & Details



How to Support Every Month


To donate to Every Month you can simply make a collection for menstrual care products at your hen party and then post them. Read about our activity for Collecting Personal Care Items to find out how you can organise this with your hens.

Post them to: Every Month, Storage World, 40-46 Ashton Old Road, Manchester, M12 6LP

Volunteer - Host a Packing Party

If you’d like to turn this into an activity then you can give a few hours and turn this into a packing party! We can help you arrange everything you need with Every Month so you can do this at home, or wherever you’re staying for your hen weekend.

Make up some tea and cake to enjoy while you pack… or perhaps a batch of Bloody Marys!

You’ll need to be able to get the finished packs to them in Manchester so this is a better activity if you’re planning a hen in the local area.

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